BPCC10 Guest Speakers’ Bio

John V. Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan



Prior to his appointment as U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Roos served as Chief Executive Officer at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, a law firm headquartered in Silicon Valley, and he has helped venture corporations and entrepreneurs for 25 years. Ambassador John V. Roos and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Senior Vice Minister Teruhiko Mashiko convened the first meeting of the U.S.-Japan Dialogue to Promote Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Job Creation at METI. The focus on innovation and entrepreneurship as engines of job creation is a topic of particular interest to Ambassador Roos and to President Obama.


北尾 吉孝 氏  SBI ホールディングス 代表取締役 執行役員 CEO
Yoshitaka Kitao Representative Director & CEO, SBI Holdings Inc.

北尾吉孝氏は日本におけるトップ経営者の1人として挙げられ、野村證券勤務後、ソフトバンク創立者、孫正義氏の招聘によりソフトバンクに入社し、会社を巨大企業へと導いた立役者でもあります。その後、SBIホールディングスを設立し、ベンチャーキャピタルのSBIインベストメント、オンライン総合証券のSBI証券、インターネット専業銀行の住信SBIネット銀行、ネット損保のSBI損保、住宅ローンのSBIモーゲージ等の革新的な事業会社を傘下に有し、金融、不動産、生活関連サービスなどの事業を幅広く展開する総合企業グループ、SBIホールディングス代表取締役執行役員CEOとして経営に携わっています。 また、儒教精神をもつビジネスマンとしても名高い経営者であり、そのマネジメント哲学は多くの起業家やビジネスマンにも影響を与えています。


Mr.Yoshitaka Kitao is renowned as one of the top businessman in Japan. Mr. Kitao began his career at Nomura Securities Co., Ltd., where for more than two decades he was mainly engaged in the investment banking business. In 1995, he joined Softbank Corporation as Executive Vice President and CFO offered by founder, Mr. Masayoshi Son after the service at Nomura securities and he was the driving force behind the company’s growth. Mr. Kitao has made great achievements in the development of capital operation, a high-tech industry and exploration of Growth Enterprise Market etc., whose progresses helped to make SBI Group a giant Japanese “Internet-based financial conglomerate”. He operates whole SBI Group business as Representative Director and CEO, which includes finance, real estate and life service etc. In addition, He is regarded as an outstanding Confucian businessman and his management philosophy influences many entrepreneurs and businessman.
